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Complaints Policy

The purpose of this page is to provide details on how patients, their representatives and/or service users may make complaints or offer feedback and the responsibilities of our team. 


We welcome all feedback; its invaluable to us for reflecting on and improving the services we deliver, in taking away learning and developmental points. 


Brain Health Clinic prioritises the handling and investigation of complaints and feedback. We therefore;
     •    Make it easy to complain / provide feedback.
     •    Manage complaints within the agreed times frames.
     •    Acknowledge complaints in writing setting expectations on what happens next.
     •    Provide details of our investigation and findings, learning and service improvements
     •    We reserve the right to not withheld complaints or refuse them where it is vexatious, malicious or motivated by racist, sexist, homophobic or other discriminatory attitudes or threatening.
     •    Accept complaints are made in confidence and do not affect provision of care.
     •    Accept feedback and complaints from services users or a suitable representative with consent.

The person, or representative making the complaint should express that it is a complaint. That the nature of the matter is such that it requires investigation.  A complaint should be made as soon as possible after being aware of the incident and within 12 months. 


We will maintain confidentiality whilst investigating and responding to complaints unless any safeguarding matters or serious criminality are disclosed when we will share information with the relevant authorities.  


Although we accept complaints from suitable representatives, we will not deem the complaint as submitted until consent has been received. In the event that the patient is deceased we will accept a complaint from a relative or friends with sufficient interest in the welfare of the patient. 


Our procedure
This complaints procedure relates to complaints about Brain Health Clinic and about the services we provide to the public. We will, where appropriate and within 24 hours  of a complaint  being received by the relevant complaints manager resolve the matter informally. Should the complainant not be satisfied with this resolution a formal process will be adopted. 

Within three working days, or five calendar days the complaint will be acknowledged in writing setting out the time scales of the investigation and proving details of the complaints manager. Within 21 working days the identified complaints manager should respond in writing to the complaint. Should the investigation be ongoing, this will be communicated, together with a further target date for conclusion. Written responses should include a description of any action taken as a result of the complaint and any further actions or investigations that will be following the complaint. 


A complaint response may include;
     •    Any explanation of what happened
     •    An apology, this is not to be assumed as an admission of guilt. 
     •    Any learning
     •    Any service improvements
     •    An offer of a meeting to further discuss the complaint. 
     •    Details of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman 


All complaints will be recorded and retained with the following information.
     •    Summary and nature of the of the complaint
     •    Date raised
     •    Date concluded
     •    If the complaint was upheld
     •    All relevant correspondence between the complainant and BHC


Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman 
Millbank Tower, 
London, SW1P 4QP.

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